Lon T. Mabon
April 4, 2003

The true nature of the liberal is clearly seen in the present financial crisis in the state of Oregon. Their intention was to cut critical services while leaving intact the funding for the killing of preborn human babies in their mother's wombs. They are willing to cut emergency and crime protection, but leave intact "diversity," meaning pro-homosexual programs and training. Seemingly, to advance immoral behavior is their number one priority. There is no other way to read it.

However, the liberal is not really the main problem. Our state debt of millions and millions and millions of Federal Reserve notes (mistakenly called dollars, for by law a real dollar is 24.8 grains of gold or 371.25 grains of silver, according to the Coinage Act) is only a symptom of a great civil/national disease. That disease is the wholesale abandonment of the foundation upon which this country was founded. This disease has two aspects. The moral (or Spiritual) and the principled. Obviously the principled comes from the Spiritual, but it is possible for a Person in a civil context to be devoted to a principle without submitting to its Source. Therefore, I will break it down into those two aspects.

In this article I want to address the principled. At America's foundation we are constituted as a Republic. Hence, many people, including myself, state that at our Founding we were indeed a Constitutional Republic. Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, Second Edition defines Republic as follows:

"1. (a) a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote (the electorate) and is exercised by representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by them and responsible to them; the form of government of such a state or nation. 'The founders of the Constitution laid the cornerstone of our national republic. -Joseph Story.'"

Here there are two truths that are so critical that if either is forsaken the other will collapse in short order, maybe even at the same time. 1) In a Republic, the "supreme power rests with all the citizens." Thus, it is a reality that our Founding Fathers made us sovereign Citizens, as opposed to subjects of an earthly monarch. 2) These truths are constituted in a written document, which is our Constitution.

When you have sovereign Citizens who are acting in a manner consistent with that truth and a Constitution that a) declares a Republican form of government and b) guarantees our God-given rights, then you have what our Founding Fathers gave us. Thus, at our Founding, in the civil realm, we had the correct written principles (the Constitution), and the correct personal principles -- the status of a sovereign Citizen and all that that means.

If we lose either one, the other is also lost. If we as sovereign Citizens lose our principles in favor of self-interest, then who will protect the Constitution? And if the Constitution falls, what will protect our personal principles that make us sovereign Citizens?

As of this moment, we have lost both!

There is a façade - an illusion of following the Constitution - yet unless the Constitution is followed as written, we are not really following the Constitution. And only about two or three percent really care. Yet, if the personal principles of a sovereign Citizen rest in our hearts then, as our Founding Fathers did, we will, likewise, do something about it. But most have bowed the knee to some form of self-interest.

A sovereign Citizen will act like a sovereign and insist on Constitutional government. In other words a person with personal principles (a sovereign Citizen) will demand adherence to civil principles (a written Constitution). Instead, our Constitutional Republic has been replaced by the Federal Reserve plantation and we as sovereign Citizens have become feudal slaves making money for the central bank. It is a massive fraud.

Some have really seen the true masters, firsthand, when they tried to get off the plantation, but all of us can see it when we view our courts. Those courts were created and are empowered by the Constitution. However, with only enough effort to keep up the façade, they ignore the law, their oaths and the Constitution itself. I've seen it and experienced it personally. They openly tamper with juries through intimidation, by refusing to allow certain key evidence to be presented and by giving them instructions aimed at directing the verdict to a desired outcome. It is happening all the time. The judges do this openly, blatantly and with impunity for they do not fear the slaves because, in truth, they know there are only a few stray sovereigns left -- and they can handle them.

As far as the Constitution and the Republic are concerned, they really only exist as a mere shadow of what was established at the Founding. As far as supposed sovereigns Citizens are concerned -- you tell me. Do they still exist? The true sovereign Citizen acts because his principles compel him. The slave acts on self-interest, be it fear, survival, gain or apathy. Which are you, a sovereign Citizen or a Federal Reserve slave? You tell me!

© 2003 - Lon T. Mabon - All Rights Reserved

Lon Mabon has been chairman of Oregon Citizens Alliance for over 15 years. He has been a thorn in the side of the liberals in Oregon, first as a Republican activist and now as a dedicated member of the Constitution Party. In 2002 Lon ran for U.S. Senate as the Constitution Party of Oregon’s nominee. He is author of the book, "God is Politically Involved". Lon is a Bible teacher and lives in Brooks, Oregon, happily married to Bonnie, his wife of 32 years. They have three married children and two grandchildren.

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